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Proud to be on the team

When the call came for volunteers to return to Joseph Brant Hospital to be in the welcome team for the vaccination clinic, I answered the call. And so did 70 other members of our community. After fighting this pandemic in our homes, this is our chance to actively assist members of our own community to smoothly receive their vaccine innoculations. And it has been so much fun besides. I have met lovely people who are so excited to get their shots. Some are nervous, some are gruff, but almost without fail, these people thank the volunteers in our blue vests. I am so proud of how Burlington has worked together to keep our case counts as low as they (mostly)
have been, and salute my volunteer colleagues in giving their energy and time to this effort. We are all in it for the long haul.

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Team member commented Lisa Crapsi
Recreation Coordinator
about 3 years ago
Hi Lauraine,   thank you so much for sharing this story and for stepping up to keep our community safe!  I know I speak for all when I say we are so appreciative and grateful for our vaccination clinic volunteers!   Thank you for sharing!  
Share Hi Lauraine,   thank you so much for sharing this story and for stepping up to keep our community safe!  I know I speak for all when I say we are so appreciative and grateful for our vaccination clinic volunteers!   Thank you for sharing!   on Facebook Share Hi Lauraine,   thank you so much for sharing this story and for stepping up to keep our community safe!  I know I speak for all when I say we are so appreciative and grateful for our vaccination clinic volunteers!   Thank you for sharing!   on Twitter Share Hi Lauraine,   thank you so much for sharing this story and for stepping up to keep our community safe!  I know I speak for all when I say we are so appreciative and grateful for our vaccination clinic volunteers!   Thank you for sharing!   on Linkedin Email Hi Lauraine,   thank you so much for sharing this story and for stepping up to keep our community safe!  I know I speak for all when I say we are so appreciative and grateful for our vaccination clinic volunteers!   Thank you for sharing!   link