Taking a Closer Look at the Downtown

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In early 2019, Burlington City Council directed City staff to re-examine the downtown policies in Burlington’s adopted Official Plan.

By the fall of 2020, Burlington City Council will vote to endorse changes to the policies in Burlington’s adopted Official Plan that guide development in the downtown until 2031, including the height and density of buildings.

To assist Council in making their decision, the City is committed to leading an open and transparent public engagement process to ensure the voices of people from every corner of the city are heard and valued.

Please register with Get Involved Burlington and subscribe to this project page for details about opportunities to provide your meaningful input.

The downtown belongs to all of us. Let’s work together to make the core of our city the best it can be.

In early 2019, Burlington City Council directed City staff to re-examine the downtown policies in Burlington’s adopted Official Plan.

By the fall of 2020, Burlington City Council will vote to endorse changes to the policies in Burlington’s adopted Official Plan that guide development in the downtown until 2031, including the height and density of buildings.

To assist Council in making their decision, the City is committed to leading an open and transparent public engagement process to ensure the voices of people from every corner of the city are heard and valued.

Please register with Get Involved Burlington and subscribe to this project page for details about opportunities to provide your meaningful input.

The downtown belongs to all of us. Let’s work together to make the core of our city the best it can be.

  • Halton Region releases Notice of Decision approving the new Burlington Official Plan, endorsed by City Council

    Share Halton Region releases Notice of Decision approving the new Burlington Official Plan, endorsed by City Council on Facebook Share Halton Region releases Notice of Decision approving the new Burlington Official Plan, endorsed by City Council on Twitter Share Halton Region releases Notice of Decision approving the new Burlington Official Plan, endorsed by City Council on Linkedin Email Halton Region releases Notice of Decision approving the new Burlington Official Plan, endorsed by City Council link

    On Nov. 30, Halton Region released a final Notice of Decision approving the new Burlington Official Plan, as modified and previously endorsed by Burlington City Council on Nov. 26, 2020. With the final Notice of Decision, a twenty-day appeal period has begun, running from Nov. 30 to Dec. 21, 2020. Information about how to file an appeal is available in the Notice of Decision.

    The Notice of Decision from Halton Region considers that the new City of Burlington Official Plan conforms to, or does not conflict with, the Regional Official Plan, is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2020, and conforms to, or does not conflict with, the applicable Provincial Plans and policies.

    The modifications presented in the final Notice of Decision address the issues of non-conformity, changes to Provincial Plans and policies, and Official Plan Amendments and the need to balance Regional and Provincial conformity requirements. In addition, the modifications capture endorsed policy modifications related to two areas identified by Council for re-examination and refinement. The policies of the Official Plan with the recommended modifications establish a comprehensive policy framework to a planning horizon of 2031.

    For a detailed description of the modifications, please refer to staff report PL-22-20. To view a complete listing of the modifications to the adopted Burlington Official Plan (2018), please refer to the final Notice of Decision.

    To learn more about Halton Region’s decision, including how to file an appeal, please refer to the Notice of Decision.

    Next Steps

    Sections of the Official Plan where a Notice of Appeal has not been filed as of Dec. 21, 2020, will come into effect on Dec. 22, 2020. At the appropriate time, through consultation with City legal staff, planning staff will bring forward a repeal bylaw for the former Burlington Official Plan.

    For more information, visit the new Official Plan website at burlington.ca/newop.

  • Burlington’s New Official Plan: Halton Region Draft Notice of Decision

    Share Burlington’s New Official Plan: Halton Region Draft Notice of Decision on Facebook Share Burlington’s New Official Plan: Halton Region Draft Notice of Decision on Twitter Share Burlington’s New Official Plan: Halton Region Draft Notice of Decision on Linkedin Email Burlington’s New Official Plan: Halton Region Draft Notice of Decision link

    As the approval authority, Halton Region is reviewing the City’s adopted Official Plan (2018).

    On Thursday, Nov. 26, at the Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility Committee, and at a Special Council Meeting immediately following, City Council will decide if they will endorse the modifications found within the Region’s draft Notice of Decision related to the adopted Burlington Official Plan (2018).

    City staff have collaborated extensively with Regional staff to:

    • address issues of Regional and Provincial conformity,
    • respond to Provincial policy updates occurring post-plan adoption,
    • identify opportunities to enhance structure and readability, and
    • incorporate housekeeping changes.

    City staff have also requested that the Region consider the proposed modifications endorsed by City Council through the Scoped Re-examination of the adopted Official Plan in its decision.

    The Halton Region [tag] draft Notice of Decision and the accompanying City staff report are now available on the Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility agenda.

    Modifications to the adopted Burlington Official Plan fall into the categories of Regional Conformity, Provincial Conformity, Clarity and Consistency, City-Initiated Scoped Re-Examination of the Official Plan, Official Plan Amendments, and Housekeeping. For a description of the categories of the proposed modifications please refer to Staff Report PL-22-20 and the draft Notice of Decision attached as Appendix A to PL-22-20.

    With the proposed modifications described in the draft Notice of Decision, Halton Region is of the opinion that the City of Burlington New Official Plan conforms to, or does not conflict with, the Regional Official Plan, is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2020, and conforms to, or does not conflict with, the applicable Provincial Plans and policies.

    Delegations are by advance registration only. If you would like to delegate, visit burlington.ca/delegate or email clerks@burlington.ca

  • Burlington’s New Official Plan: Halton Region Draft Notice of Decision

    Share Burlington’s New Official Plan: Halton Region Draft Notice of Decision on Facebook Share Burlington’s New Official Plan: Halton Region Draft Notice of Decision on Twitter Share Burlington’s New Official Plan: Halton Region Draft Notice of Decision on Linkedin Email Burlington’s New Official Plan: Halton Region Draft Notice of Decision link

    As the approval authority, Halton Region is reviewing the City’s adopted Official Plan (2018).

    On Thursday, Nov. 26, City Council will decide if they will endorse the modifications found within the Region’s draft Notice of Decision related to the adopted Burlington Official Plan.

    City staff have collaborated extensively with Regional staff to:

    • address issues of Regional and Provincial conformity,
    • respond to Provincial policy updates occurring post-plan adoption,
    • identify opportunities to enhance structure and readability, and
    • incorporate housekeeping changes.

    City staff have also requested that the Region consider the proposed modifications endorsed by City Council through the Scoped Re-examination of the adopted Official Plan in its decision.

    On Wednesday, Nov. 18, the staff report and draft Notice of Decision will be posted to the Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility agenda.

    Delegations are by advance registration only. If you would like to delegate, visit burlington.ca/delegate or email clerks@burlington.ca

    Learn more at www.burlington.ca/newop



    With respect to modifications to the adopted Official Plan (adopted April 26, 2018)


    DATE OF NOTICE: October 22, 2020

    TAKE NOTICE that on October 7, 2020, the Council of the Corporation of the City of Burlington (“Council”) endorsed modifications to the new Official Plan that Council had adopted on April 26, 2018 (By-law No. 24-2018), under sections 17 and 26 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13, as amended.

    Background Information

    On April 26, 2018, Council adopted Burlington's new Official Plan (“the adopted Official Plan”). The adopted Official Plan fuses local community interests with regional and provincial policy direction, in alignment with the City’s Strategic Plan, articulating Burlington’s vision to 2031 and beyond, towards a mature state. The Official Plan establishes a set of principles to guide land use decision-making to achieve sustainable development and a complete community in accordance with the following key strategic directions: A City that Grows; A City that Moves; A Healthy and Greener City; and An Engaging City.

    The City of Burlington (“the City”) gave notice of the adoption of the new Official Plan on May 10, 2018, in accordance with Subsection 17(23) of the Planning Act. On May 11, 2018, the City submitted the adopted Official Plan to the Regional Municipality of Halton (“Halton Region”) for approval. Halton Region is the approval authority for the City’s adopted Official Plan. Halton Region has not yet made a decision regarding the City’s adopted Official Plan.

    On Feb. 7, 2019, Council voted to re-examine the policies in the adopted Official Plan. On May 27, 2019, Council approved a work plan that confirmed the focus of the re-examination would be the policies that guide development in the City’s Downtown and Neighbourhood Centres. The re-examination resulted in Council endorsing modifications to these policies on Oct. 7, 2020.

    Purpose and Effect of Endorsement of Modifications (Oct. 7, 2020)

    The purpose and effect of the endorsement is to modify the new Official Plan that Council adopted on April 26, 2018. Specifically, Council endorsed modifications to the adopted Official Plan policies that guide development in the City’s Downtown and Neighbourhood Centres.

    The endorsed modifications for Downtown Burlington include new or revised policies and mapping to guide development to the year 2031. The policies and mapping recognize the distinct character, needs, functions, and opportunities of various different areas within the Downtown, and will identify how the City intends to achieve its objectives for each of those areas and for the Downtown as a whole.

    The endorsed modifications for Neighbourhood Centres are minor policy refinements that are intended to simplify and clarify the policies for Neighbourhood Centres that were adopted in 2018. These include refinements to policies that apply to Mixed Use Nodes and Intensification Corridors.

    As part of the development and preparation of the modifications to the adopted Official Plan, extensive public engagement and consultation were conducted. The following staff reports considered by Council included, among other things, information about the submissions received during the preparation of the modifications to the adopted Official Plan:

    • PB-89-19 Taking a Closer Look at the Downtown: Concept Discussion (Dec. 5, 2019)
    • PL-02-20 Taking a Closer Look at the Downtown: Preliminary Preferred Concept (Jan. 16, 2020)
    • PL-16-20 Taking a Closer Look at the Downtown: Recommended Modifications to the Adopted Official Plan (Sept. 30, 2020)
    • PL-18-20 Recommended Modifications to Adopted Official Plan Policies for Neighbourhood Centres and Mixed Use Nodes and Intensification Corridors (Sept. 30, 2020)

    Oral and written submissions were received in relation to or in response to the noted reports, and as part of the public meeting held on Sept. 30, 2020. These oral and written submissions were, along with the advice of City staff and consultants, considered by Council in deciding to endorse modifications to the adopted Official Plan.

    Additional Information

    Information in respect of the adopted Official Plan has been made available to the public for inspection online at: www.burlington.ca/newop. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, it is not possible for information to be made available to the public for inspection at the office of the City’s Community Planning Department. To request information in an alternative format, please contact:

    Alison Enns, Project Manager – Official Plan

    Community Planning Department

    426 Brant Street, Burlington ON

    L7R 3Z6


    (905) 335-7600 ext. 7787

    Approval Process

    The endorsed modifications to the adopted Official Plan will be submitted to Halton Region for approval. As the approval authority for the City’s adopted Official Plan, Halton Region may approve, modify and approve, or refuse to approve the adopted Official Plan. Any person or public body that wishes to receive notice of decision on the adopted Official Plan by Halton Region should note the paragraph below.

    TAKE NOTICE that any person or public body will be entitled to receive notice of the decision of Halton Region if a written request to be notified of the decision (including the person’s or public body’s address, fax number, or email address) is made to Halton Region at the following address:

    Regional Clerk

    Regional Municipality of Halton

    1151 Bronte Road

    Oakville, Ontario

    L6M 3L1


  • City Council Endorses Modifications to the Adopted Official Plan

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    Burlington City Council endorsed the modifications to the adopted Official Plan at the Council meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 7. The Official plan will now go to Halton Region for final approval.

    On Sept. 30, 2020, staff presented their recommendations for consideration at a public meeting of the Community Planning, Regulation, and Mobility Committee of Council.

    The recommendations, described in report PL-16-20, included new policies and mapping for the Downtown. The policies and mapping recognize the distinct character, needs, functions, and opportunities of various different areas within the Downtown, and identify how the City intends to achieve its objectives for each of those areas and for the Downtown as a whole.

    On Sept. 30, Committee made 10 amendments to staff’s recommendations.

    The recommendations, as amended, were endorsed by Committee on Sept. 30 and by City Council on Oct. 7. Council has directed staff to submit the endorsed policy modifications to Halton Region for inclusion in the Region’s approval of the adopted Official Plan.

    Follow-up on Sept. 16: Virtual Open House

    Thank you to those of you who joined the virtual Open House on Sept. 16, 2020. We hope it was a helpful resource to answer your questions about the recommended modifications to the adopted Official Plan for Downtown and Neighbourhood Centres.

    If you missed the virtual Open House, you can view a video recording and transcript - transript will be posted soon.

    During the meeting, staff said they would follow up with more information about two questions that were asked:

    1. Regarding Bird-Friendly Design Guidelines: the City will be working on Bird-Friendly Design Guidelines in 2021.
    2. Regarding the number of new residential units and jobs expected in Downtown during the time covered by the Official Plan: for more information, refer to section 3.6 of SGL’s October 2019 report, “Taking a Closer Look at the Downtown: Themes, Principles, and Land Use Concepts” page 35.

    Minor Changes to Technical Reports

    The City has made minor changes to some of the technical reports released on June 8, 2020. The changes were made to respond to comments made by Halton Region and Conservation Halton. They are explained in a memo included in the meeting package for the Sept. 30, 2020 meeting of Community Planning, Regulation, and Mobility Committee.

    The revised reports were included in the meeting package for the Oct. 7, 2020 special meeting of Council. They are:

    • Appendix 10.A-1 of PL-16-20: Flood Hazard and Scoped Stormwater Management Assessment with Appendices (September 2020);
    • Appendix 10.A-2 of PL-16-20: Flood Hazard and Scoped Stormwater Management Assessment Drawings (September 2020);
    • Appendix 10.B-1 of PL-16-20: Hager-Rambo Flood Control Facilities Study Report: Downtown and Burlington GO Mobility Hub (September 2020);
    • Appendix 10.B-2 of PL-16-20: Hager-Rambo Flood Control Facilities Study Report: Downtown and Burlington GO Mobility Hub - Appendices (September 2020);
    • Appendix 10.B-3 of PL-16-20: Hager-Rambo Flood Control Facilities Study Report: Downtown and Burlington GO Mobility Hub - Drawings (September 2020);
    • Appendix 11 of PL-16-20: Downtown Burlington Traffic Overview (September 2020);
    • Appendix 13 of PL-16-20: Updated Area-Servicing Plan (ASP) for Stormwater, Water, and Wastewater: Downtown Burlington (September 2020)

    Release of Submissions

    Staff summarized and responded to comments that were received between March 20, 2020 and Sept. 4, 2020 in Appendix 21-A of report PL-16-20, “Taking a Closer Look at the Downtown: Recommended Modifications to the Adopted Official Plan”.

    Here is a link to the full submissions:

    • Submissions received between March 20, 2020 and Sept. 4, 2020

    Official Plan – Next Steps

    The City will send the Council-endorsed policies and mapping to Halton Region to be included in the adopted Official Plan that the Region is reviewing.

    Halton Region is the approval authority who will make a decision to approve the City’s new Official Plan.

    The Region will provide a draft decision for City Council to consider before the Region makes a final decision on the City’s adopted Official Plan. The Region’s draft decision is expected later this year.

    After Halton Region makes a final decision to approve the City’s new Official Plan, parts of the Official Plan can be appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT).

    The City will share updates about the Region’s approval process on the New Official Plan website at burlington.ca/newop and the “Taking a Closer Look at the Downtown” project webpage at getinvolvedburlington.ca/official-plan-2019.

    Design Guidelines – Next Steps

    In August 2020, City staff released a first draft of the new Downtown Burlington Placemaking and Urban Design Guidelines, which will help to implement the Official Plan policies for Downtown. The City will continue to seek public feedback on the draft guidelines before presenting the final guidelines to City Council for approval.

    The City will share updates about how you can get involved with the Downtown Burlington Placemaking and Urban Design Guidelines at www.getinvolvedburlington.ca/official-plan-2019.

  • September 16, 2020 - Virtual Open House Information

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    You are invited to attend a virtual Open House on the recommended modifications to Burlington's Adopted Official Plan (adopted in April 2018).The recommended policy modifications will update the policies of the adopted Official Plan (2018) for Downtown Burlington based on a refined land use vision and built form concept for Downtown as endorsed by City Council on Jan. 27, 2020. Additionally, minor modifications are proposed to simplify and clarify the policies for Neighbourhood Centres, which apply to various locations across the city.

    The virtual Open House will provide the public with the chance to learn more and ask questions about the recommended policy modifications with City staff. There will be a short presentation followed by a question-and-answer period.

    Join us for the Virtual Open House on Modifications to the Adopted Official Plan.

    September 16, 2020 from 7 – 8 p.m. hosted on Microsoft Teams Live

    How to participate virtually:

    · Join using a laptop or personal computer

    · This is recommended for the best viewing experience.

    · Click the link below just before the start of the open house. Once you click the meeting link, a pop up will appear. Click on the box that says, “watch on the web instead.”

    Meeting link for: Adopted Official Plan on September 16, 2020

    · Join from a mobile phone or tablet

    · Download the free Microsoft Teams app prior to the start of the open house. Then, click the link below to join. Once you click the meeting link, a pop up will appear. Click on the box that says, “watch on the web instead.”

    · You may also copy and paste the URL in the link below into the browser on your phone or tablet. Once you click the meeting link, a pop up will appear. Click on the box that says, “watch on the web instead.”

    Meeting link for: Adopted Official Plan on September 16, 2020

    What to expect when you join the meeting:

    · During the Microsoft Teams Live event, the microphones and video cameras of all the participants are automatically turned off so none of the attendees will appear on screen.

    · You can ask a question in real time during the event by pressing the question icon in the top right of the screen.

  • September 10, 2020 - Release of New Appendix 21 to Report PL-16-20

    Share September 10, 2020 - Release of New Appendix 21 to Report PL-16-20 on Facebook Share September 10, 2020 - Release of New Appendix 21 to Report PL-16-20 on Twitter Share September 10, 2020 - Release of New Appendix 21 to Report PL-16-20 on Linkedin Email September 10, 2020 - Release of New Appendix 21 to Report PL-16-20 link

    The meeting agenda has now been released for the virtual public meeting at the September 30th meeting of Community Planning, Regulation, and Mobility (CPRM) Committee. At this meeting, staff will recommend modifications to the Downtown policies in the Adopted Official Plan through Report PL-16-20: Taking a Closer Look at the Downtown: Recommended Modifications to the Adopted Official Plan.

    New Appendix 21 for Downtown report PL-16-20

    Report PL-16-20 recommends modifications to the Downtown policies in the Adopted Official Plan, resulting from the Taking a Closer Look at the Downtown project. This report was released on June 8, 2020, with appendices 14 and 15 being released in August. Additionally, the City has now released a new appendix, Appendix 21, which includes the following:

    • The main body of Appendix 21 is a covering memo that provides an update on what’s new with the Taking a Closer Look at the Downtown project since the report was released in June.

    o PL-16-20 Appendix 21: Project Update and Responses to Submissions (September 2020)

    • Appendix 21-A contains a summary of all the feedback that was received during the spring and summer, with responses provided by staff.

    o PL-16-20 Appendix 21-A: Response Matrix for Mar-Sep 2020

    • Appendix 21-B is intended to replace Appendix 2. It includes an updated version of the recommended policy modifications, with a few edits made to address feedback received during the summer. Edits are highlighted in grey.

    o PL-16-20 Appendix 21-B: Revisions to Recommended Policy Modifications

    • Appendix 21-C provides a minor edit to the new Schedule D that was released in June in Appendix 3 (the edit corrects a labeling error).

    o PL-16-20 Appendix 21-C: Revisions to Recommended Schedule D

    • Appendix 21-D provides the latest Urban Growth Centre Density Analysis.

    o PL-16-20 Appendix 21-D: Urban Growth Centre Density Analysis, 2020

    • Appendices 21-E and F are intended as aids to illustrate how the current recommendations for Downtown Burlington compare with the 2018 adopted Official Plan and the current, in-effect Official Plan.

    o PL-16-20 Appendix 21-E: Official Plan Comparison Table by Issue

    o PL-16-20 Appendix 21-F1: Official Plan Comparison Table by Precinct

    o PL-16-20 Appendix 21-F2: Official Plan Comparison Table by Precinct – references Schedules

    Report PL-16-20 and all of its appendices can be accessed in the Document Library or by visiting the City calendar as described below.

    Neighbourhood Centres report PL-18-20

    Also, on September 30, staff will be presenting report PL-18-20, which recommends modifications to the Adopted Official Plan policies for Neighbourhood Centres. In accordance with the work plan approved by Council for Neighbourhood Centres, these are minor modifications for the purpose of clarifying the policies that were adopted by Council in 2018.

    How to Access the Reports

    To access report PL-16-20, PL-18-20, and all of their appendices, visit www.burlington.ca/calendar and search for the September 30, 2020 meeting of Community Planning, Regulation, and Mobility Committee. The reports are linked in the Meeting Package.

    Next Steps

    • Virtual Open House on September 16 at 7 p.m.
      1. Attend the virtual Open House to learn more and ask questions about the recommended modifications to the Adopted Official Plan for Downtown (PL-16-20) and Neighbourhood Centres (PL-18-20). A link with meeting instructions and how to access the meeting will be posted on Get Involved closer to the meeting date. Please submit questions in advance by Sept. 15, using the form here. You can also ask live questions during the meeting.

    • Virtual Public Meeting on September 30 (full day)
      1. Attend the virtual Public Meeting where staff will present the recommended policy modifications for Downtown and Neighbourhood Centres to the Community Planning, Regulation, and Mobility Committee of Council.
      2. Meeting is on September 30, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and continuing through 1 and 6:30 p.m. sessions. To access the virtual public meeting, visit the City’s website at burlington.ca/calendar and search for the Sept. 30 meeting of the Community Planning, Regulation & Mobility Committee.
      3. Join the discussion: if you would like to speak at the meeting, you can register in advance (optional) at burlington.ca/delegate or email clerks@burlington.ca. To speak without pre-registering, email clerks@burlington.ca during the meeting.
  • September 2020 - Virtual Open House and Public Meeting

    Share September 2020 - Virtual Open House and Public Meeting on Facebook Share September 2020 - Virtual Open House and Public Meeting on Twitter Share September 2020 - Virtual Open House and Public Meeting on Linkedin Email September 2020 - Virtual Open House and Public Meeting link

    You are invited to attend an Open House and Public Meeting on the recommended modifications to Burlington’s adopted Official Plan (adopted in April 2018). The recommended policy modifications will update the policies of the adopted Official Plan (2018) for Downtown Burlington based on a refined land use vision and built form concept for Downtown as endorsed by City Council on Jan. 27, 2020. Additionally, minor modifications are proposed to simplify and clarify the policies for Neighbourhood Centres, which apply to various locations across the city.

    Virtual Open House - Sept. 16, 2020 from 7 - 8 p.m. on Microsoft Teams Live

    The Open House will provide the public with the chance to learn more and ask questions about the recommended policy modifications with City staff. There will be a short presentation followed by a question-and-answer period.

    A link with meeting instructions and how to access the meeting will be posted on Get Involved closer to the meeting date.

    Please submit questions in advance by Sept. 15, using the form on the Get Involved here. You can also ask live questions during the meeting.

    Virtual Public Meeting - Sept. 30, 2020

    At a Public Meeting on Sept. 30, staff will present the recommended policy modifications to the Community Planning, Regulation, and Mobility Committee of City Council through two reports and presentations:

    • Report PL-16-20: Taking a Closer Look at the Downtown: Recommended Modifications to the Adopted Official Plan
    • Report PL-18-20: Recommended Modifications to Adopted Official Plan Policies for Neighbourhood Centres and for Mixed Use Nodes and Intensification Corridors

    These reports are the results of the Scoped Re-examination of the Adopted Official Plan, in accordance with the work plan approved by Council in May 2019 (PB-47-19).

    Both reports will be published on the City’s website in the meeting agenda on Sept. 10, 2020.

    Recommended Mapping for Downtown

    On June 8, the project team released report PL-16-20 and the recommended modifications to policies and mapping for Downtown. This included a revised map of Downtown precincts in a new “Schedule D”, which was contained in Appendix 3 of PL-16-20. Some members of the public have asked the project team to share a copy of the recommended new Schedule D that is separate from Appendix 3, to make it easier to refer to. As requested, here is a copy of that Schedule for ease of reference:

    Recommended Schedule D (June 2020) for Council consideration (PL-16-20)

  • August 27 - Two More Documents Added

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    Here are two more documents on the Downtown. These will be added to staff report PL-16-20 as appendices. This report will be presented to the Community Planning, Regulation, and Mobility Committee on Wednesday, Sept. 30.

    At this time, the City is sharing a first draft of the Placemaking and Urban Design Guidelines for your reference. This is to help you and Council better understand how Official Plan policies and guidelines can work together to guide development in Downtown Burlington. There will be more opportunities for you to be involved in developing the guidelines later in the fall. For now, the first draft of the guidelines is a reference to help you give feedback on the Official Plan policies.

    How to submit comments

    1. email newop@burlington.ca
    2. call 905-335-7600, ext. 7787
      Leave a message and staff will call you back during business hours. Staff are monitoring voicemail and will respond as soon as possible.
    3. Mail
      Alison Enns
      City of Burlington
      Community Planning Department
      426 Brant St. P.O. Box 5013 Burlington, ON L7R 3Z6

    You can also delegate at the public meeting on Sept. 30.

    Next steps

    This September, the project team will:

    • release a new appendix with an update on the project and responding to comments received before Aug. 28.
    • hold a virtual open house meeting where you can ask questions about the recommended policy modifications.
    • present the recommendations to City Council at a special meeting of the Community Planning, Regulation, and Mobility Committee on Sept. 30, 2020. Anyone can delegate at this meeting.

    On Oct. 7, City Council will make a decision on the recommendations. Council’s decision will then be sent to Halton Region to be included in the Region’s review of the overall adopted Official Plan.

    Thank you again for your interest in this project!

  • August 18, 2020 - Virtual Information Meeting Follow Up

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    Virtual Information Meeting follow-up

    Thank you to those of you who joined the virtual information meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 18. We hope it was a helpful resource about the recommended modifications to the Downtown policies in the adopted Official Plan.

    If you missed the virtual information meeting, there is:

    If you have more questions or comments, please contact the project team. Please send in your comments by Friday, Aug. 28 so they can be considered for the Council Report PL-16-20.

    How to submit comments

    Comments are due to the project team by Friday, Aug. 28 by:

    1. email newop@burlington.ca
    2. call 905-335-7600, ext. 7787
      Leave a message and staff will call you back during business hours. Staff are monitoring voicemail and will respond as soon as possible.
    3. Mail
      Alison Enns
      City of Burlington
      Community Planning Department
      426 Brant St. P.O. Box 5013 Burlington, ON L7R 3Z6

    This will give the project team time to consider your feedback while finalizing the report for the Wednesday, Sept. 30 Committee meeting.

    You can also delegate at the public meeting on Sept. 30.

    Two more documents to come

    Two more documents will be released this week: a Fiscal Impact Analysis and DRAFT Downtown Burlington Placemaking and Urban Design Guidelines.

Page last updated: 02 Mar 2023, 02:20 PM