Presentation of the February 15 Virtual Open House now available! Provide your feedback by March 1st.

On February 15th the City and study consultants from The Planning Partnership hosted a virtual public open house to learn about the study process and hear from the consultant team from The Planning Partnership who presented the emerging preferred concept plan for the site, followed by a question & answer period.

A recording of the meeting can be found on this page under "Recordings". The presentation is now available

We are looking for your feedback on the emerging preferred concept (2022) which will provide guidance on built form, the public realm as well as mobility and access for the Waterfront Hotel site.

We encourage you to provide your feedback on the emerging preferred concept (2022) by March 1st :


Here are the Highlights of the Emerging Preferred Concept:

Built Form

  • Height range of 15-22 storeys
  • 3-storey podium/street wall
  • Active at-grade uses like commercial, retail and restaurants
  • Focus on a strong pedestrian relationship to the streets and public spaces

Public Realm

  • Enhancing Brant Street as a gateway to the Downtown, the waterfront and the Waterfront Trail
  • Enhance the entrance to Spencer Smith Park and the Brant street public view corridor
  • John Street view corridor and inclusion of a privately-owned public space (POPS)
  • Additional parkland identified on the west and south side of the site
  • Maintain existing trees along Lakeshore Road

Mobility and Access

  • Site access for parking and loading from Elizabeth Street
  • No lay-by parking along Lakeshore Road
  • Active Transportation route along Lakeshore Road, including bike lane
  • No surface parking on site
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