Integrated Mobility Plan

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Picture of streets with a, bus, car, bicycle and person walking with a cane.

More people are expected to live in Burlington. The city is planning for future population growth including how people will move through the city.

Over the last 30 years, Burlington's transportation network has accommodated growth by building more roadways. This strategy is no longer sustainable. The city does not have the space to build new roadways and the financial cost to maintain a larger network of roads is significant.

A 21st century city is built around a different transportation model, one designed to provide people of all ages and abilities with more travel choices for things like walking, cycling and transit.

Burlington's Integrated Mobility Plan

Work on Burlington's Integrated Mobility Plan is underway. The plan is built around eight pillars which, when implemented, will result in a new era of transportation that:

  • Provides a wide range of options for getting around regardless of age, means or ability, including walking, cycling, public transit and automobiles

  • Uses compact modes of travel like buses, bicycles and walking to efficiently move larger number of people

  • Is well connected to transportation systems in surrounding regions

  • Offers fast, reliable and more frequent transit

  • Features improved facilities and safety for cyclists and pedestrians

More people are expected to live in Burlington. The city is planning for future population growth including how people will move through the city.

Over the last 30 years, Burlington's transportation network has accommodated growth by building more roadways. This strategy is no longer sustainable. The city does not have the space to build new roadways and the financial cost to maintain a larger network of roads is significant.

A 21st century city is built around a different transportation model, one designed to provide people of all ages and abilities with more travel choices for things like walking, cycling and transit.

Burlington's Integrated Mobility Plan

Work on Burlington's Integrated Mobility Plan is underway. The plan is built around eight pillars which, when implemented, will result in a new era of transportation that:

  • Provides a wide range of options for getting around regardless of age, means or ability, including walking, cycling, public transit and automobiles

  • Uses compact modes of travel like buses, bicycles and walking to efficiently move larger number of people

  • Is well connected to transportation systems in surrounding regions

  • Offers fast, reliable and more frequent transit

  • Features improved facilities and safety for cyclists and pedestrians

  • Thanks for your feedback! What’s next for the Integrated Mobility Plan

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    Thank you to everyone who added to the map and gave us valuable feedback. You told us:

    • what is working well right now
    • where there are gaps and
    • what and where there are opportunities to improve transportation in Burlington

    Your feedback will be grouped to see where there are shared areas that matter to you and common themes that we need to look at and resolve through the IMP.

    If you dropped a pin to let us know about a service requests, like pot holes, traffic sign issues or requests for traffic calming please email The Integrated Mobility Plan is a long-term planning project that is not looking at immediate service requests that the City already fixes through service requests.

    We will be reaching out to you for feedback again this May, 2021. At this time, you will see Lived Experience Papers. These papers will tell you about the challenges and opportunities of the City’s transportation system by looking at the different needs of you, our residents. We hope these papers will start conversations with you about what we, the City, needs to do to improve the way we all get around Burlington over the next few decades. We will engage with you to understand:

    • What frustrates you – what is your biggest transportation challenge?
    • How do we fix this – what can we do to help you get around Burlington?

    Your feedback will help us when looking the IMP directions and final recommendations we make to Council.

    Thank you again for sharing your experiences, thoughts and ideas to make it easier for everyone to get around our city!

  • What's next for the IMP?

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    Thanks for your feedback! Thank you to everyone who tuned in for the virtual project launch event and participated in the first round of public engagement in November to share what matters most about the future of mobility.

    Through the online engagement, we confirmed community values when it comes to transportation and finalized a vision statement for the future of mobility:

    Mobility in Burlington will be safe, accessible, sustainable, balanced and livable.

    Safe - The movement of people and goods in Burlington will be safe for users of all modes. Special attention will be paid to ensuring the safety of vulnerable users - pedestrians and cyclists – as they are most likely to get seriously injured or killed in an incident. We will not accept transportation-related deaths and serious injuries as a normal part of our daily lives; our transportation system will be designed to minimize the risk of transportation-related deaths and serious injuries from occurring on our streets.

    Accessible - Getting around Burlington will be accessible to people of all ages and abilities. There will be no infrastructure or service gaps in the networks of any mode, so each traveller can make a comfortable trip from point A to point B in Burlington, when they want, by their travel mode of choice. Our transportation system will allow our community members to travel comfortably within Burlington and to nearby communities to make sure that all residents of Burlington can fully participate in society, by the travel mode of their choice.

    Sustainable - The transportation network will prioritize efforts to encourage transit, cycling, walking, and other non-car modes in order to encourage their use. By doing this, we will prioritize our community’s health, improve the vibrancy of our city, and reduce pollution. We will also electrify our transportation network to reduce the emissions of all vehicles and to make modes like scooters or bikes more accessible for people with reduced mobility.

    Balanced - We will prioritize travel by non-car modes. Our streets will allow comfortable travel for users of every mode.

    Liveable - Streets in Burlington will be designed to fit within their surroundings. The design of our streets will support the environment and character we want to create in surrounding neighbourhoods and communities.

    Some things we heard from the online engagement were:

    • Overall, the draft Vision and Values for the IMP were supported.
    • Street design should match the surrounding context and character.
    • The City should prioritize infrastructure for transit, cycling and walking from the onset of construction in new neighbourhoods.
    • The City should protect vulnerable users through improved street and intersection design, plowing snow on sidewalks and bike lanes and designing complete streets.
    • The City should improve the connectivity of the transportation network by completing more projects that “fill in the gaps” in our transportation system and give pedestrians and cyclists more direct routes.
    • The City should have the infrastructure to make each trip possible by any mode of transportation.
    • There was less support for redirecting the budget toward sustainable transportation options, implementing parking fees in congested areas to reduce emissions and taking away space for cars.
    • Additional comments received expressed a desire for smart traffic control and traffic demand management to improve the efficient movement of vehicles, along with improved regional connectivity and connections to the GO system.

    Feedback received through the survey was used to refine and finalize the draft Vision and Values that will shape the direction and form the foundation of the Integrated Mobility Plan. Your feedback was an important part of this initial phase of the process.

    The next round of public engagement, Map your Feedback, is launching on Dec. 15, 2020 and will run until Jan. 22, 2021. We want you to tell us what is working well, where gaps exist and what the opportunities for improvement are for transportation in Burlington. This information will help us to understand the current experience of residents, and identify opportunities and barriers to achieving the Vision for the IMP.

    Thank you again for your participation.

  • Vision for the Future of Transportation in Burlington - Survey Update

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    Click on the links below and you will be able to view the survey in that language.

    The survey is now available in the following languages:

    1. English
    2. French
    3. Arabic
    4. Spanish
    5. Punjabi
    6. Chinese (Simplified)
    7. Russian

    The survey is open until 11:59 p.m. on November 13, 2020.

  • Video Now Available from Oct. 15 event

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    The video for the Oct. 15 Integrated Mobility Plan event is now available here. The video includes closed captioning.

    Moderator: Mary Rowe, President and CEO, Canadian Urban Institute


    1. Dr. Dianne Saxe, Environmental and Climate Lawyer
    2. Dr. Ahmed El-Geneidy, Professor, School of Urban Planning, McGill
    3. Nancy Smith Lea, Director, The Centre for Active Transportation
    4. Todd Litman, Founder and Executive Director of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute

    A reminder that the survey is open until Nov. 13 and available here.

  • Residents are invited to participate in a free virtual event on the City’s Integrated Mobility Plan

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    The City of Burlington is inviting residents to register for the upcoming free ZOOM event on the City’s Integrated Mobility Plan. Learn more about the commencement of the Integrated Mobility Plan study in this virtual facilitated panel discussion on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020 from 7 to 9 p.m.

    Join the virtual panel discussion with industry leaders where we’ll explore:

    • the future of mobility,
    • opportunities and challenges related to public health and the environment,
    • social impacts of transportation and
    • how planning for a multi-modal transportation network will shape how we’ll get around over the next 25 years.

    Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020 from 7 to 9 p.m.

    The meeting will be held virtually over ZOOM. Please register for the event :

    Panel Participants

    Moderator: Mary Rowe, President and CEO, Canadian Urban Institute


    1. Dr. Dianne Saxe, Environmental and Climate Lawyer
    2. Dr. Ahmed El-Geneidy, Professor, School of Urban Planning, McGill
    3. Nancy Smith Lea, Director, The Centre for Active Transportation
    4. Todd Litman, Founder and Executive Director of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute

    Burlington's Integrated Mobility Plan

    Work on Burlington's Integrated Mobility Plan is underway. The plan will be built around eight pillars which, when implemented, will result in a new era of transportation that:

    • Provides a wide range of options for getting around regardless of age, means or ability, including walking, cycling, public transit and automobiles
    • Uses compact modes of travel like buses, bicycles and walking to efficiently move larger number of people
    • Is well connected to transportation systems in surrounding regions
    • Offers fast, reliable and more frequent transit
    • Features improved facilities and safety for cyclists and pedestrians

    The eight pillars of integrated mobility are:

    1. Align land use and transportation
    2. Connected mobility
    3. Healthy and safe
    4. Moving people efficiently
    5. Managing congestion
    6. Sustainability
    7. Affordability
    8. Innovation and integration

    For more information about Burlington’s Integrated Mobility Plan and to register for this event, please visit

  • Join us for the Virtual Project Launch Event - Oct. 15

    Share Join us for the Virtual Project Launch Event - Oct. 15 on Facebook Share Join us for the Virtual Project Launch Event - Oct. 15 on Twitter Share Join us for the Virtual Project Launch Event - Oct. 15 on Linkedin Email Join us for the Virtual Project Launch Event - Oct. 15 link

    Join us on Thursday, October 15 from 7 - 9 p.m for the virtual project launch event. Listen, learn and ask your questions.

    Moderator: Mary Rowe, President and CEO, Canadian Urban Institute


    • Future of Mobility
    • Environment & Climate
    • Transportation Equity
    • Urban Planning and Mobility
    • Active & Sustainable Transportation


    • Todd Litman, Founder and Executive Director of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute
    • Dr. Dianne Saxe, Environmental and climate lawyer, former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario (2015-2019)
    • Dr. Ahmed El-Geneidy, Professor, School of Urban Planning, McGill University
    • Robin Mazumder, Urban Neuroscientist, Doctoral Candidate at the University of Waterloo
    • Nancy Smith Lea, Director, The Centre for Active Transportation

    More information will be posted to Get Involved shortly with the meeting link and participation information.

  • Pillars of Integrated Mobility

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    Align Land Use and Transportation

    • Ensure land use planning and transportation planning are aligned.
    • Develop appropriate policy to support walking, cycling and transit.
    • Create complete and compact communities, which support the City's transportation and corporate goals.
    • Focused growth which aligns with transportation infrastructure.
    • Shape future development which will provide mobility choice.

    Connected Mobility

    • Develop a connected transportation network across many modes.
    • Provide mobility choice and equitable access.
    • Develop and create complete streets.

    Healthy and Safe

    • Safe, comfortable and convenient transportation choices.
    • Recognize and plan for the needs of different users.
    • Prioritize the safety of vulnerable users.
    • Plan, design and maintain the City's transportation infrastructure for safer streets.
    • Emphasis on school travel.

    Moving People Efficiently

    • Focus on moving people, rather than vehicles.
    • Increase the connectivity of the City's travel network.
    • Improve the reliability of travel time in Burlington.
    • Optimize our network for efficiency across all modes.
    • Manage the ROW (Right of Way).

    Managing Congestion

    • Maximize the capacity and utilization of our existing infrastructure.
    • Ensure traffic operations across all agencies (MTO/Region/Municipal) are connected
    • Real-time responsiveness.
    • Building resiliency in our transportation network.
    • Improve TDM (Transportation Demand Management) use.
    • Assess and implement new and emerging trends and technologies.


    • Develop compact and connected communities.
    • Support environmentally responsible mode choices.
    • Reduce transportation environmental impacts in Burlington.
    • Place an emphasis on addressing the first mile/last mile challenges.


    • Achieve the best value for our investments.
    • Reallocate funding to reflect our priorities in mobility.
    • Promote economic prosperity through an efficient transportation network.
    • Well managed infrastructure.

    Innovation and Integration

    • Recognize there are no “one-size-fits-all” solutions, and context sensitivity is required.
    • Draw inspiration and solutions from other communities.
    • Study, assess and integrate new trends in technology to aid in mobility.
    • Better integration of decision making in our transportation network.

Page last updated: 10 Oct 2024, 12:04 PM