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A healthy urban forest improves the quality of life for City of Burlington residents. By providing a framework for protection and enhancement of all trees on public and private property, the City of Burlington’s urban forest will continue to grow with the goal to reach 35 per cent tree canopy cover by 2041. A multi-faceted approach is required to meet this goal, which is addressed through the four guiding principles:

Proposed Guiding Principles for Tree Protection and Enhancement

• Tree Planting and Replacement

• Protection and Preservation

• Asset Maintenance

• Community Outreach, Education, and Collaboration

The trees within Burlington's

A healthy urban forest improves the quality of life for City of Burlington residents. By providing a framework for protection and enhancement of all trees on public and private property, the City of Burlington’s urban forest will continue to grow with the goal to reach 35 per cent tree canopy cover by 2041. A multi-faceted approach is required to meet this goal, which is addressed through the four guiding principles:

Proposed Guiding Principles for Tree Protection and Enhancement

• Tree Planting and Replacement

• Protection and Preservation

• Asset Maintenance

• Community Outreach, Education, and Collaboration

The trees within Burlington's urban forest provide a wide range of environmental, economic and social benefits, including improved air quality, reduced storm-water runoff, energy savings, noise reduction, natural bird and wildlife habitats, higher property values and overall beautification of city streets and parks.

The city's Urban Forestry section is responsible for the city’s ongoing operations and maintenance of municipally-owned trees, Forest planning and health, and Forest Protection. Key programs include: preventative maintenance through Grid Pruning, Tree Planting and Stumping programs, and the administration of public and private tree protection bylaws.

We are very proud of our trees, especially those with historical significance on the Burlington Honour Roll of Trees. Whenever possible, we involve the public in the consultation process and surveys.

  • Participate in the City’s Street-Side Tree Planting Program!

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    The City of Burlington’s Street-Side Tree Planting program is designed to bring more trees to our neighbourhoods.

    How to Get Your Street-Side Tree

    Getting involved in our Street-Side Tree Planting program is easy, hassle-free and just three steps:

    1. Contact us! Call the City at 905-335-7777 or email link) and mention that you’d like to participate in the City’s Street-Side Tree Planting program.
    2. Forestry Investigator Visit: An investigator will visit to assess the property and help select the right tree.
    3. Planting: If the right-of-way is a good candidate for a tree a good candidate for a tree, staff will add your address to the list of planting locations for the upcoming planting season.

    Program Guidelines

    Eligibility for participation in the program is determined by factors such as property size, proximity to the road, and other relevant considerations. Not all properties will be a good candidate for a street-side tree.

    Residents can indicate the tree species preference at the time of request. Staff will try to accommodate resident requests; however, species choice is not guaranteed.

    Scheduling of tree planting will be determined by the location, suitability and availability of the chosen tree species, as well as the current number of requests.

    It's best to contact the City so that staff can best determine feasibility for participation in the program.

  • New online guide available to help navigate tree protection and tree permits in Burlington

    Share New online guide available to help navigate tree protection and tree permits in Burlington on Facebook Share New online guide available to help navigate tree protection and tree permits in Burlington on Twitter Share New online guide available to help navigate tree protection and tree permits in Burlington on Linkedin Email New online guide available to help navigate tree protection and tree permits in Burlington link

    The City of Burlington has created a “Guide to Tree Protection” to help property owners and applicants navigate tree protection and the City’s tree by-laws, with a focus on the Private Tree By-law. The free guide is available online at link).

    Information in the Guide includes:

    • What rules are in place to protect trees?
    • Which trees are protected under the City’s tree by-laws?
    • When do I need or not need a tree permit?
    • How do I work around trees without hurting them?
    • What do I need to get a Private Tree Permit?

    The Guide also features helpful illustrations that highlight key points to working around trees and aspects of the permit application. These illustrations will help applicants understand what is needed when applying for a tree permit.

    What is the Private Tree By-law?

    The Private Tree By-law protects trees on private property within the City’s Urban Planning Area Boundary. If you live within the Urban Planning Area Boundary, you will need to apply for a permit to injure or remove a tree 20 cm in diameter or greater measured at 1.37 m from the ground. Heritage trees and endangered, threatened, and at-risk species are also protected and may require additional approvals in addition to your tree permit.

    View the Private Tree By-law (040-2022)

    What is the Public Tree By-law?

    The Public Tree By-law regulates publicly owned trees. You will need to apply for a permit to injure or remove any tree of any size anywhere on public property. The Public Tree By-law is applicable city-wide which includes both the Urban and Rural Planning Area Boundaries.

    Contact the City before submitting a permit to remove a public tree at 905-335-7777 or

    View the Public Tree By-law (068-2013).

    For more information on tree by-laws, to apply or to view the guide, visit

    Steve Robinson, Manager of Forestry

    “Submitting a complete and accurate tree permit application can save you time and money. It is our hope that as people plan their spring or summer renovations and construction, this guide will give applicants the extra information they need to ensure there are no errors or missed items on their application.”

  • Tree Planting Tips

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    Watch these videos to help ensure your new tree gets the best chances of surviving the planting and growing for generations to come. Proper planting and after care can greatly improve your new tree’s health and success.

  • Corporate Tree Protection and Enhancement Policy

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    The Corporate Tree Protection and Enhancement Policy was presented and approved by the Environment, Infrastructure and Community Services Committee on February 3 (Council to approve later this month)

    The development of a corporate-wide tree protection and enhancement policy provides a framework for the improvement of several bylaws, policies, guidelines, and city-wide programs, so they are clear and consistent in their approach and aligned with the City’s strategic direction as it pertains to the Urban Forest.

    The Corporate Tree Protection and Enhancement Policy is organized into 4 categories
    with corresponding policy statements which inform each category:
    1. Preserve and Protect
    2. Maintain and Monitor
    3. Establish, Replace and Enhance
    4. Engage and Collaborate

    The establishment of a corporate wide tree protection and enhancement policy will provide a framework for the consistent management of the City’s Urban Forest. Long term, this will support the City’s Vision to Focus goal of achieving 35% canopy cover by 2041, and in doing so, will directly benefit the City’s efforts toward fighting the effects of climate change.

Page last updated: 24 Jul 2024, 02:53 PM