Corporate Tree Protection and Enhancement Policy
The Corporate Tree Protection and Enhancement Policy was presented and approved by the Environment, Infrastructure and Community Services Committee on February 3 (Council to approve later this month)
The development of a corporate-wide tree protection and enhancement policy provides a framework for the improvement of several bylaws, policies, guidelines, and city-wide programs, so they are clear and consistent in their approach and aligned with the City’s strategic direction as it pertains to the Urban Forest.
The Corporate Tree Protection and Enhancement Policy is organized into 4 categories
with corresponding policy statements which inform each category:
1. Preserve and Protect
2. Maintain and Monitor
3. Establish, Replace and Enhance
4. Engage and Collaborate
The establishment of a corporate wide tree protection and enhancement policy will provide a framework for the consistent management of the City’s Urban Forest. Long term, this will support the City’s Vision to Focus goal of achieving 35% canopy cover by 2041, and in doing so, will directly benefit the City’s efforts toward fighting the effects of climate change.
Read the full report