Electric Mobility Strategy

In 2020, Burlington Council approved the Climate Action Plan with a target to become a net carbon neutral community by 2050. The implementation of policies and actions to support electric mobility options in Burlington is one of the key areas to help reduce emissions from the transportation sector; the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the community.
Supporting sustainable transportation solutions (ie. cycling, walking and transit) through the development and implementation of the Integrated Mobility Plan remains a priority for Burlington. However, with Burlington’s higher than average car ownership culture, a shift from internal combustion engine vehicles to electricContinue reading
In 2020, Burlington Council approved the Climate Action Plan with a target to become a net carbon neutral community by 2050. The implementation of policies and actions to support electric mobility options in Burlington is one of the key areas to help reduce emissions from the transportation sector; the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the community.
Supporting sustainable transportation solutions (ie. cycling, walking and transit) through the development and implementation of the Integrated Mobility Plan remains a priority for Burlington. However, with Burlington’s higher than average car ownership culture, a shift from internal combustion engine vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) is essential to reduce the community’s carbon footprint.
Burlington’s Electric Mobility Strategy
The City of Burlington is partnering with BurlingtonGreen to develop a community based Electric Mobility Strategy, to be completed by the third quarter of 2022. The strategy will support the Climate Action Plan target of community carbon neutrality by 2050. The strategy will focus on light duty vehicles. Transit buses, other heavy duty vehicles, commercial vehicle fleets, and the City fleet are out of scope for this project. The process to develop the plan includes the following:
- Review and assess available data related to electric vehicle purchases, market trends and EV charging stations
- Review best practices, policies and strategies from other jurisdictions
- Community surveys and engagement to assess opportunities and barriers to the adoption of EVs in Burlington
- One on one interviews with community stakeholders, and EV advisory group consultation to support strategy development
The Strategy will also look at the emerging sector of micro electric mobility devices including e-bikes and e-scooters (stand up versions), how they fit as active transportation opportunities, consider public opinion and identify barriers. Although mobility scooters for accessibility are not specifically part of the scope, it is expected that lessons learned will be able to be applied for issues such as secure parking/storage and charging.
A document with draft recommended actions for the Electric Mobility Strategy is now available for public review and feedback. Please see the link below for more information.
Electric Mobility Update Report
Share Electric Mobility Update Report on Facebook Share Electric Mobility Update Report on Twitter Share Electric Mobility Update Report on Linkedin Email Electric Mobility Update Report linkElectric Mobility Update Report going to the Environment, Infrastructure and Community services Committee on June 28, 203.
Standing committee and City Council meetings are held using a hybrid model, allowing members of Council, city staff and the public the option of participating remotely or in-person at city hall, 426 Brant St. Requests to delegate to this hybrid meeting can be made by completing the online delegation registration form at www.burlington.ca/delegate, by submitting a written request by email to the Office of the City Clerk at clerks@burlington.ca or by phoning 905-335-7600, ext. 7481 by noon the business day before the meeting is to be held.
Read the Report
Share Read the Report on Facebook Share Read the Report on Twitter Share Read the Report on Linkedin Email Read the Report linkThe Electric Mobility Strategy report is going to the Environment, Infrastructure and Community Services Committee on September 15, 2022.
The purpose of this report is to present the Electric Mobility Strategy which provides a pathway for the community of Burlington to transition to electric mobility, a key program area identified in the Climate Action Plan necessary to achieve the target to become a net carbon neutral community by 2050. Along with the report, you will find:
- The Electric Vehicle Strategy
- The Electric Mobility Engagement Report
- The Electric Mobility Engagement Summary
Thanks to everyone that provided feedback that helped to shape the strategy.
Charge Your Ride!
Share Charge Your Ride! on Facebook Share Charge Your Ride! on Twitter Share Charge Your Ride! on Linkedin Email Charge Your Ride! linkThe City is adding more EV (electric vehicle) charging stations to support electric mobility in our community. With funding support from TAF (The Atmospheric Fund), we are installing eight more charging stations each with two charging plugs at:
- Appleby Ice Centre (2 stations)
- Haber Community Centre/Norton Park
- Mainway Ice Centre
- Mountainside Community Centre
- Nelson Recreation Centre
- Tansley Woods Community Centre (2 stations)
The TAF funding is helping us to expand our existing inventory of 22 publicly available charging stations that are primarily located in the downtown core, many of which were also supported through funding programs, to other areas of the city.
So far in 2022, we have installed three stations located at:
- Central Arena (two stations with one located by an accessible parking stall)
- Elgin Street Promenade (parking lot 1)
Stay tuned for more announcements as we pursue other funding sources.
Connection to climate change and other plans and programs
The transportation sector is the largest single source of emissions in our community.
Electric mobility was identified in the community-based Climate Action Plan approved by City Council in 2020 as a key program area to help meet the target to become a net carbon neutral community by 2050. The City is partnering with BurlingtonGreen to develop an Electric Mobility Strategy as a community road map to support future investments in this area.
The City is also working on an Integrated Mobility Plan with a focus on moving people via sustainable options such as active (walking, cycling, etc.) and public transit.
Want more information?
Check out the Electric Mobility Strategy and the Integrated Mobility Plan at getinvolvedburlington.ca and the City’s inventory of EV charging stations at burlington.ca/ev.
Electric Mobility Strategy – Draft Recommended Actions for Review
Share Electric Mobility Strategy – Draft Recommended Actions for Review on Facebook Share Electric Mobility Strategy – Draft Recommended Actions for Review on Twitter Share Electric Mobility Strategy – Draft Recommended Actions for Review on Linkedin Email Electric Mobility Strategy – Draft Recommended Actions for Review linkInformed by community and stakeholder insights, in addition to best practices from leading municipalities, the following proposed action areas have been identified to support higher EV (electric vehicle) and micro e-mobility (e-bikes and e-scooters) uptake in Burlington. There are 32 recommended actions which fall under the following four themes:
- Charging Infrastructure and Grid Capacity
- City Leadership
- Education and Awareness
- Equity and Accessibility
Feedback can be provided through the four different surveys available under each theme. You can choose to respond to one or more survey, which are open until July 3rd at 11:59 pm.
The final Electric Mobility Strategy is scheduled to be presented to the EICS Committee in September 2022.
Come MEET Plug’n Drive and Test Drive an EV
Share Come MEET Plug’n Drive and Test Drive an EV on Facebook Share Come MEET Plug’n Drive and Test Drive an EV on Twitter Share Come MEET Plug’n Drive and Test Drive an EV on Linkedin Email Come MEET Plug’n Drive and Test Drive an EV linkAre you interested in testing an Electric Vehicle (EV)? Plug’n Drive is coming to town with their MEET - Mobile Electric vehicle Education Trailer. They will have four different EV models available for test drives and EV specialists ready to answer all your questions in a sales-free, no pressure environment.
Plug’n Drive MEET event details:
- Central Recreation Centre (the Arena parking lot), 519 Drury Lane
- April 23 to May 20
- Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
- Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Registration is now open to book a date and time
This is a great opportunity to test drive an electric vehicle in your community.
Electric Mobility Surveys Now Available
Share Electric Mobility Surveys Now Available on Facebook Share Electric Mobility Surveys Now Available on Twitter Share Electric Mobility Surveys Now Available on Linkedin Email Electric Mobility Surveys Now Available linkSurveys are available for residents to complete to identify opportunities and barriers for supporting and encouraging electric mobility in Burlington. Participants have the opportunity to complete one or more surveys on:
- Plug-in electric vehicles (includes both full battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles)
- Electric bikes
- Electric scooters
Surveys closed for submissions on March 31 at 11:59 p.m. Thank you to everyone that submitted their feedback.
Signup Banner
Who's Listening
Phone 905-335-7600 ext 7931 Email environment@burlington.ca
Level of Engagement
- Involve
Learn more about the IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum
Key Dates
March 10 - Project Launch
Electric Mobility Strategy has finished this stageLearn about the project
March 10 - 31 - Surveys Open
Electric Mobility Strategy has finished this stage -
March 31 - Survey Closes
Electric Mobility Strategy has finished this stageAll 3 surveys close at 11:59 p.m.
April 23 - May 20 Plug'n Drive
Electric Mobility Strategy has finished this stageOpportunity for residents to test drive EVs (Electric Vehicles) in Burlington. This opportunity will be:
- Thursdays 10 a.m. - 7:00 p.m
- Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
- Central Recreation Centre (Arena parking lot), 519 Drury Lane
June 20 - July 3
Electric Mobility Strategy has finished this stageReview the draft strategy
September 15
Electric Mobility Strategy has finished this stagePresentation to Environment Infrastructure and Community Services Committee of the Electric Mobility Strategy
June 28, 2023 Electric Mobility Update Report
Electric Mobility Strategy has finished this stageJune 28, 2023 Electric Mobility Update Report
2023 Onwards
Electric Mobility Strategy is currently at this stageContinued implementation
Document Library
Climate Action Plan
EICS-01-21 Electric Vehicle Charging Update and Analysis.pdf (561 KB) (pdf)
EICS-13-21 Electric Mobility Strategy.pdf (243 KB) (pdf)
Draft City Actions June 2022.pdf (15.2 MB) (pdf)
September 15, 2022 EV Report & Appendicies
EICS-08-23 Electric Mobility Update.pdf (413 KB) (pdf)
EICS-08-23 Appendix A - City of Burlington EV Chargers.pdf (292 KB) (pdf)