Climate Resilient Plan to be considered
Burlington’s first plan on climate adaptation called Climate Resilient Burlington: A Plan for Adapting to Our Warmer, Wetter and Wilder Weather will be considered at the Environment, Infrastructure and Community Services (EICS) committee meeting on July 7, 2022. The plan was first presented as a draft to the EICS committee on May 5, 2022.
The purpose of the Climate Resilient Burlington (CRB) plan is to identify actions to manage the highest risks of warmer, wetter and wilder weather. While the CRB plan considers Burlington’s climate projections to the years 2051-2080 under a high emissions scenario, the plan outlines 32 actions under five themes focusing on building resilience and preparing for a changing climate over the next 10 years. Although this is Burlington’s first climate adaptation plan, work is not starting from scratch, but rather building on initiatives already underway.
Plan Development
The CRB plan was developed with City staff and community stakeholders representing 12 City departments and 17 community organizations. The community was also engaged throughout the process through a number of measures including a dedicated project page, a public project launch and surveys.
A more detailed follow-up post will be published should City Council approve the plan on July 12, 2022.
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