Climate Resilient Burlington plan approved by Burlington City Council
Burlington City Council has approved Climate Resilient Burlington: A Plan for Adapting to Our Warmer, Wetter and Wilder Weather. This plan identifies Burlington’s risks and vulnerabilities from climate change and is directly related to 2018-2022 Burlington’s Plan: From Vision to Focus.
About the Climate Resilient Burlington plan
The purpose of the Climate Resilient Burlington (CRB) plan is to identify actions to manage the highest risks of warmer, wetter and wilder weather. While the CRB plan considers Burlington’s climate projections to the years 2051-2080 under a high emissions scenario, the plan outlines 32 actions under five themes focusing on building resilience and preparing for a changing climate over the next 10 years. Although this is Burlington’s first climate adaptation plan, work is not starting from scratch, but rather building on initiatives already underway.
The CRB plan was developed with City staff and community stakeholders representing 12 City departments and 17 community organizations. The community was also engaged throughout the process through a number of measures including a dedicated project page, a public project launch and surveys.
CRB Themes and Goals
Theme 1: Resilient Built and Natural Infrastructure
Goal: Manage infrastructure to prepare for future climate conditions and carbon neutral goals
Goal: Enhance resilience of infrastructure exposed to high flood risk
Goal: Invest in proactive measures to prepare for increased extreme events to avoid post-storm reactive costs
Theme 2: Thriving Natural Environment
Goal: Reduce damage to trees while increasing the value of the services they provide
Goal: Value, conserve and enhance the multiple services that natural areas provide
Theme 3: Extreme Heat and Health
Goal: Provide City services to support the community during extreme heat events
Theme 4: Disaster Resilience
Goal: Build capacity in the community to prepare for and respond to more extreme events and long-term climate stresses
Goal: Encourage climate adaptation actions from citizens and businesses
Theme 5: Strong and Resilient Economy
Goal: Support agricultural community in preparing for climate change
Goal: Support and develop resilient local supply chains to help withstand impacts associated with extreme climate events outside of Burlington
Projects with links to climate actions underway
There are several climate actions already underway through various City departments and projects. Each item listed has a direct link to reducing risk, reducing emissions or preparing for climate change effects.
- Alert Burlington – Community Notification System
- Cooling and Warming Centres in partnership with Burlington Public Library
- Home Flood Protection Assessment Program
- Plumbing Permit Fee Grant Program
- Stormwater infrastructure improvements such as larger creek culverts and creek channel improvements
- Burlington Stormwater Management Design Guidelines
- Urban Forest Master Plan
- Municipal Natural Assets Initiative – Grindstone Creek Watershed Project
- Spencer Smith Park and Beachway stabilization and wave breaks
- Asset Management Plan
- Climate Action Plan (focusing on reducing community emissions)
- Corporate Energy and Emissions Management Plan
- City View Park pavilion and solar installation
- Anti-idling campaign and bylaw
- Expansion of the City’s electric vehicle charging stations
- Electric Mobility Strategy
- Corporate Green Fleet Strategy
- Integrated Mobility Plan (focusing on active and public transportation)
- Rural Active Transportation Strategy
- Cycling Plan, a component of the Integrated Mobility Plan, which includes projects such as the Plains Road bikeway improvements
- Major Transit Station Areas (MTSA)
- Other projects
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